Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Legacy of Islam

  1. Muslims have contributed a great deal to the technological evolution of the world, it's language and knowledge, it's culture, architecture and especially in Science. In the "Legacy of Islam" section of my web, I will attempt to showcase Islam's contribution and would like to begin by The Contribution of Islam to Western Linguistics "I have to deplore the systematic manner in which the literature of Europe has continued to put out of sight our obligations to the Muhammadans. Surely they cannot be much longer hidden. Injustice founded on religious rancour and national conceit cannot be perpetuated forever. The Arab has left his intellectual impress on Europe. He has indelibly written it on the heavens as any one may see who reads the names of the stars on a common celestial globe." John William Draper in the "Intellectual Development of Europe" -->Did you know that the first University in the world was established a thousand years ago in Cairo, the famous Al Azhar, by the Fatimid Caliphs who were the Imams decended directly from Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s.). The concepts developed by the Muslim astronomers and scientists were widely studied in Europe and became the foundation of modern astronomy and science. I have hurried to get this section up, but will follow up on collages and pictures of the famous personalities of Islam featured below, whom the literature of the West had chosen to ignore. I am happy to say that this situation is changing fast as Historians realize the injustice done to Islam's contribution. They have discovered that the gap of learning during the dark ages and the subsequent "Rennaissance" was ignited by the Muslim torchbearers who kept the flame of knowledge alive by their contribution to the scientific method, mathematics, philosophy, astronomy, optics, chemistry, biology and of course poetry, calligraphy and architecture. In the coming weeks I'll attempt to build upon each of the categories and build a "web" of Islam's contribution to technology. Famous Muslim Scientists English/Latin Name Latinized/English Name Jabir Ibn Haiyan Geber Al-Khawarizmi Algorism, Algorithm Al-Kindi Alkindus Al-Battani Albategnius Al-Farghani Al-Fraganus Al-Razi Rhazes Al-Farabi Al-Pharabius Abu Al-Qasim Al-Zahravi Albucasis Al-Haitham Alhazen Abu Al-Hasan Al-Mawardi Alboacen Ibn Sina Avicenna Ibn Zuhr Avenzoar Ibn Rushd Averroes Al-Zarqali Arzachel Al-Bitruji Alpetragius Al-Sufi Azophi Ibn Bajah Avempace Ali Abbas Hale Abbas Did you know that most of the Names of Stars in European languages have an Arabic origin English/Latin Name Arabic Name Achernar Akhir al-Nahr Acrab Aqrab (Scorpion) Phurked farqad (calf) Altair Nasr al-Tair Aldebaran ad-Dabaran Daneb Dhanab al-Dujajah Denebola Dhanab al-Asad Fomal Haut Famm al-Hut Aega Nasr al-Waqi Mathematical Vocabulary English/Latin Name Arabic Name Algebra al-Jabr Algorism, Algorithm Al-Khawarizmi Zenith Cenit Nadir Nadir, Nazir Atlas Atlas Azimuth Al-sumut Cipher, Zero Sifr Medical Terms English/Latin Name Arabic Name Elixir al-Aksir Alcohol al-kohl Alchemy Al-kimiya Antimonio, Antimony, Antimun Antimun, Ithmid Alcanfor, camphor Kafur Zircon Azraq Colliget Al-Kullyat Anima Kitab al-Nafs Sufficientia Kitab al-Shifa Names in Chemistry and Other Frequently Used Words English/Latin Name Arabic Name Admiral Amir-ul Bahr Earth Ardh, Earz Alembic Alembic Adobe Al-tub Alkali Alkali Alcove Al-qubba Alum Alum Aludel Aludel Monsoon Mawsim Athomor Athomor Azymum Azymum Cinnabar Cinnabar Magazine Makhazin Rice Ruzz Coffee Qahwa Banana Banana Lemon Limun Orange Naranj Sugar Sukkar Syrup Shurb, Sharab Artichoke Al-Kharshuf Jasmine Yasmin Musk Musk Safron Za'faran Amber Anbar Cotton Qutun Cable Habl Safari Safara Lute Al-'ud Canon Qanun Cipher Sifr Tutia Tutia Usefur Usefur Ziniar Ziniar Anatomical Terms English/Latin Name Arabic Name Aorta Avarta Pancreas Bankras Colon Colon Cornea Cornea Corn Corn Basilie Baslik Epidemis Aghadidus Cephallie Kifal Sephenous Safan Diaphragm Dayafergma Menniges Mennigies Mesentry Masarike Peritoneum Baratene Trochanter Tracanter

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